151. Laptop
Q: My laptop is getting very hot lately, and very loud and just shuts down. After it cools I can turn ...
A: the noise you're hearing is probably coming from a faulty fan or a faulty hard drive. If you aren't ...
152. audio problem
Q: I have a Dell Inspiron 1150,I deleted my sound program.I went on dell web sight and tried to ...
A: you may have to have Microsoft's Universal Audio Architecture installed first. You can find ...
153. urchase a laptop
Q: I have a pretty simple question...I want to purchase a laptop in the range of $600-$700 that has ...
A: You've asked a really tough question Baby Girl, because what is "good quality" for one person isn't ...
154. Keyboard/touchpad slow and missing key strokes
Q: I am using a Dell Inspiron E1405 and when I type it is slow and doesn't keep up with my keystrokes. ...
A: is the whole computer slow, or just the keyboard/touch pad? If it's just the keyboard and touch ...
155. Compaq Presario purchased
Q: While synching my Iphone my Presario touchpad became too hot to touch (estimated temperature greater ...
A: You're right Ken, that's way too hot, and it will damage the computer eventually. The quickest and ...
156. Laptop Battery Storage
Q: I just brought home my new laptop. It came with a battery (uncharged) which I won't be using much. ...
A: the best way to store it would be to charge it about half way, put it in a ziploc baggie, and put it ...
157. Pavillion dv9000 idle power shutdown
Q: I have a question related to my HP Pavillion dv9000 laptop, running Vista. After, say half an hour ...
A: you are correct, there is a way to disable this. Vista's not my strong point, but I'm fairly sure ...
158. Compaq Presario V2000 Laptop
Q: I own a Compaq Presario V2000, its approximately 2 years old. The other day, I went to turn it on ...
A: this is a fairly typical problem with laptops, the backlighting has stopped working. Normally when ...
159. Windows not loading, computer not working
Q: my windows XP is not loading on my dell inspirion 600m laptop. I was working on it the night before ...
A: this is definitely not a good error, but it could be worse. What it is trying to tell you, in ...
160. word and excel files slow to open
Q: My word and excel files are opening slower than normal. I went in the tasks area and took out some ...
A: I've got more ideas, but none real easy off the top of my head. If you have a few minutes, try ...
161. Subject Date Asked Expert
laptop problem
Q: my laptop won't stay on when is not plugged in to the wall
A: sounds like you may have trouble with the battery. If it doesn't stay on at all, not even for a ...
162. dvd drive in an hp laptop
Q: I have an hp ze2000, the dvd drive stoped playing. I can hear it running when I insert a disk but ...
A: I would try another DVD, which you probably have already done, and a CD. If it won't read either you ...
163. mouse
Q: I have a Dell Laptop, windows XP. When I scroll down or up using an external mouse the screen does ...
A: I'm not sure what the school's techs did, or if it had anything to do with the current symptom, but ...
164. Laptop not powering up-power pack fine
Q: My girlfriend owns a vaio laptop, she has tried to turn it on today and nothing happens (no cap lock ...
A: the light coming on is a pretty good indication that the power pack is working, but it's possible ...
165. Q: Tell me please, how can I restore or remove BIOS password on my laptop:Sony VAIO pcg-r600hmpd ?
A: the password is stored on a security chip on the laptops motherboard and is not stored on the bios ...
166. horrible noise!
Q: i am asking on behalf of a friend. when he was listening 2 u tube, all of a sudden it freaked out he ...
A: It's hard to say what it was without knowing what it sounded like Anne, but since he was listening ...
Q: Hoping someone can help me. 2 weeks ago I turned my laptop on & received the below error. Took my ...
A: yes there are ways to fix this, but I'm kind of worried that it has happened twice. Did it happen ...
168. How to open case
Q: We need to replace the hard drive in a Compaq Presario 1700T. Can you tell us how to open the case? ...
A: I don't have a manual for this particular model, but if it's the same as a 1600, you would need to ...
169. Laptop display problem
Q: my laptop (DELL XPS M140) has a display problem. When I power on the system, the screen lits up ...
A: there are controls to increase and decrease the brightness. They are usually a combination of keys ...
170. Noise distortion
Q: I own a Sony Vaio, recently it has been slowing down and distorted the sound when I play any sound ...
A: I'm not sure if the two problems are related or not, but they could be. You could try shutting down ...
171. laptop problem
Q: ive got a problem with my laptop ( windows xp). when i log on it loads up as usual but then i cant ...
A: I didn't realize it was rebooting itself. Does it do this if you start the computer in safe mode by ...
172. laptop problem
Q: ive got a problem with my laptop ( windows xp). when i log on it loads up as usual but then i cant ...
A: there could be several things going on here, it kind of depends on whether the machine is actually ...
Q: I first started getting the blue screen of death message with the error stop 0x000000f4(0x00000003, ...
A: it sounds to me like your hard drive is going bad. When Windows hits a bad spot on it, or the disk ...
174. laptop display compatibilty
Q: I need to replace the LP150X08 display on HP nx6110. The tag is A2. Does the replacement need to be ...
A: it is possible that a different A version would work, but I'm not sure which ones. You might try ...
175. laptop will not boot up
Q: My laptop Dell Latitude D600 was working fine until last night when I tried to power up. When I ...
A: when it did power up, did you happen to notice the charge level in the battery? It sounds like maybe ...
176. Help, lappy making odd noises.
Q: I have a HP Pavillion DV6000 lappy w/ an amd dual core processor. I have had it for 4 months and it ...
A: Yes it could. If the heatsink is loose, heat will not transfer as well, and the fan would have to ...
177. Laptop Screen
Q: I'm having problems with my laptop. The screen keeps messing up if I even touch the lid/screen. It ...
A: it sounds like the flexible ribbon cable connecting your screen to your motherboard has gone bad and ...
178. Help, lappy making odd noises.
Q: I have a HP Pavillion DV6000 lappy w/ an amd dual core processor. I have had it for 4 months and it ...
A: it's really hard to tell without hearing the noise. If you're sure it's not the hard drive, and it's ...
179. driver
Q: i have Hyundai m-life model:HYM521N laptop the wireless uninstall i search the web for drivers but i ...
A: you could try contacting Hyundai support through their website here: ...
180. HP Laptop Windows XP starts but won't run
Q: Our laptop starts windows (takes longer than usual) and brings up icons, then when you click on one, ...
A: yes it looks familiar. The first part is telling you that a program written in the Visual C++ ...
181. Laptop wont go to sleep
Q: My vista laptop recently stopped going in to sleep mode but will shut down fine. I have unistalled ...
A: can you put the computer in sleep mode manually from the menu or by pressing the button? If so, then ...
182. Presario F500 screen
Q: This Presario we use for the web has a screen in which all of the white background goes magenta. It ...
A: this symptom is indicative of a bad connection, but before you go jumping in, you may want to hook ...
183. HP Laptop Windows XP starts but won't run
Q: Our laptop starts windows (takes longer than usual) and brings up icons, then when you click on one, ...
A: I've got lots of ideas, but no definite answer yet, so if you don't mind, lets try a few things to ...
184. Dell Inspiron 1501 CD/DVD won't stay closed?
Q: I just got a Dell Inspiron 1501. Right out of the box it was not rigt. I plugged in the power coard ...
A: the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is a bad installation of Windows, or a bad ...
185. the keyboard seems to be messed up
Q: I own a Toshiba Satellite A55-S106 and the keyboard types on its own like when I push h it will put ...
A: it does sound like the keyboard is going bad. It's not an unusual thing for them to do that. You ...
186. laptop won't power up
Q: hope someone can help. I have a Dell Inspiron 5100 - had it for few years. The power supply pack was ...
A: it sounds like your laptop is still not getting power, or at least not the correct power. Can you ...
187. Q: I have a Dell Inspiron 1705 and it has been spectacular. Unfortunately, the chargers have not been ...
A: do you have access to a meter so you could measure the voltage coming out of the charger? It is ...
188. laptop display problem
Q: I have a Ibm TP Z61p, the laptop screen is all black, but external display works fine. it seems the ...
A: when you press fn-F7, at least one of those positions should turn the external monitor off, even if ...
189. Laptop Problem
Q: Currently my optical drive sticks out just a hair, and when I push it in all the way, my laptop ...
A: has the laptop been taken apart? It sounds like the cable may be pinched in behind it, or that ...
190. Brand New IQON Laptop!, When Turned On Screen Doesnt Work!
Q: I have a Brand New IQON when i first got it i set it up with all the disc then turned it off to go ...
A: there is a combination of buttons on the keyboard that lets you switch between the screen and an ...
191. track point installation
Q: I am new 2 lap tops and just purchased one on e-bay that has doesn't have track point installed what ...
A: since I don't have the make or model, I can't send you a link to what you need, but all you should ...
192. White screen error
Q: I've a Compaq Preasario 2555AP Laptop.It has a KB problem so I removed the KB and runs with external ...
A: since it used to do this once in a while, and now does it all the time, I suspect either the the ...
193. laptop cant turn on
Q: I have a refurbished toshiba portage 7020ct . when i tunr it on the power and monitor indicator led ...
A: there are about three things that could cause this symptom besides power, and the motherboard is one ...
194. Sony PCG-F304 keeps shutting off when windows loads
Q: seller was no help and neither was ebay well it has windows ME installed when windows starts it just ...
A: it's hard to tell without looking at it, but if you have loaded different OS's on it, and they all ...
195. toshiba satellite pro 6100 video problems
Q: Toshiba Satellite Pro 6100, Win XP SP2 Display distorted with blue and yellow lines. It's given me a ...
A: if you've already ruled out the driver, and booting to different OS should have done that, I would ...
196. My laptop will not boot to windows
Q: I have a Samsung R40 plus, It will not start at all. the power light comes on when you switch it on, ...
A: do you get any error messages? what exactly happens, is there any image on the scree at all. First ...
197. Startup problem
Q: A couple days ago my laptop over heated. I turn on the laptop and first thing i get is the menu for ...
A: the over-heating problem is the place I would start. If it continues it will cause a major failure ...
198. Laptop reformatted itself
Q: My Toshiba laptop wnet blank in the airport after it was turned on for 10 minutes. All of a sudden ...
A: not sure what you mean went back to DOS. What version of operating system are you using and what is ...
199. presario v2000,shutdowns before welcome screen
Q: My laptop shutdowns immediately after the screen displays(press f10 to enter set up,ect. )but when ...
A: I'm not sure I understand the question fully, so correct me if I'm not on the right track. If you ...
200. Dell Laptop
Q: Dell Ispiron 2200 laptop: does not have an external on-off switch. I want to be able to use laptop ...
A: sorry to say I don't know of any way to do this other than a docking station or a computer ...
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